About Us
A monthly Labour Journal containing latest Judgments of Supreme Court and High Courts,
with central and States Acts, Rules, Regulations, Bills and Ordinances on Labour
and Industrial Laws alongwith the Articles on HR Management and Industrial Relations.
Chief Advisor and Hon. Editor-in-Chief
Mr. Jusitce B. N. Srikrishna
(Former Judge, Supreme Court)
Mr. Justice R. J. Kochar
(Former Judge, Bombay High Court)
Associate Editiors
K. M. Desai
S. L. Dwivedi
Board of Editors
Arunava Ghosh
Dr. Rajen Mehrotra
Opinions expressed by the contributors are not necessarily of the Editor.
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Printed, Published and Owned by S. L.Dwivedi at Popular Offset Printers 1-A/3, Dhanraj Industrial Estate, Sunmill Lane, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013
R.N. 49936/ 85
Publication Date: 7th of each Month.
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